Special Announcements

NE Outfall Sewer (Little Walnut Creek)

The Northeast Outfall Sewer will be located along Little Walnut Creek between approximately N Warrior Lane in Waukee and 144th Street in Urbandale. The new sewer is part of a multi-project collaboration among Waukee, Urbandale and Clive to extend infrastructure, connect recreational trails and improve green spaces. The Waukee sewer project will begin first. Clive's streambank restoration and trail paving projects will follow the sewer project, including reforestation, streambank restoration and trail paving along the Clive Greenbelt. Urbandale will expand its existing Walnut Creek Regional Park and eventually complete a trail connection between the Little Walnut Creek and Bob Layton Trails.

These investments from all the communities will create new and updated amenities and better transportation corridors. Future benefits of these combined projects include a sanitary sewer main to support construction of new homes and businesses in Waukee and connecting trails to enable residents and visitors to easily travel the trail and park systems in these communities. Restoration is a critical part of the project, including improvements to reduce and repair streambank erosion and planting new, diverse tree species and other native Iowa plantings to improve wildlife habitat.

The Little Walnut Creek Trail in Clive will be closed starting April 2023 while construction is underway. Parts of these projects include repaving and new extensions of this greenbelt trail. It will set the stage for future trail connections across N Warrior Lane in Waukee, which will enable Waukee residents to ride from Waukee through the Clive Greenbelt and easily connect to the broader metro trail system, as well as making the Raccoon River Valley Trail more accessible to residents of neighboring communities.


Waukee is projected to continue growing rapidly over the next several years, and the City of Waukee is planning to meet future infrastructure needs of our community. Adding a new gravity sewer main will support expected growth in northwest Waukee. Timing of the sewer project enables the Clive and Urbandale projects to occur sequentially and seamlessly once the sewer is constructed. The Northeast Outfall Sewer will include approximately 18,600 linear feet of 30-inch diameter sanitary sewer main, replacement of concrete trail and surface restoration. This multi-year project will begin with early site work in March 2023, including removing select trees. The project is split into three phases. Each phase has an anticipated completion date for the sanitary sewer to be fully installed and tested and site restoration, including seeding, completed.

This sewer will parallel and connect to an existing Clive/Urbandale Sanitary Sewer District sewer line currently servicing neighborhoods in Clive and Urbandale. Ongoing sewer maintenance will be transferred to the Des Moines Metropolitan Wastewater Reclamation Authority, which consists of 17 metro area municipalities, counties and sewer districts that work together to protect public health and enhance the environment, including managing joint facilities and lines.

Estimated Cost: $13.15 million
Start Date: March 2023
Estimated Completion Date:
  • Phase 1: between Alice’s Rd and Clive’s shared corporate boundary with Urbandale is August 2023
  • Phase 2: between Alice’s Rd and Clive’s shared corporate boundary with Waukee is February 2024
  • Phase 3: between Walnut Creek and N Warrior Lane September 2024
  • All work not specifically identified in the three phases shall be completed in May 2025
Contractor: S.J. Louis Construction Inc. from Rockville, MN
Engineer: Veenstra & Kimm Inc.